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Responsable Equipe EPI


45 avenue des États-Unis Bâtiment Lavoisier 78035 Versailles Cedex

Lavoisier - 61
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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

L3 Chimie : Thermodynamique des systèmes électrochimiques. Application aux procédés industriels (Resp. UE depuis 2020)
      (CM/TD : Jonction M/Électrolyte, Ifaradique, Icapacitif, Piles, Électrolyseurs, Batteries, Voltamétrie, Accumulateur, énergie spécifique...)
L3 Licence professionnelle chimie formulation Parcours applications, analyses et naturalité en cosmétique (ISIPCA), Resp. Parcours Cosmétique et membre du comité de perfectionnement
     (CM/TD : Solvants (extraction), mélanges, diagrammes  liquide-vapeur)
M1 Chimie : Enseignement d'électrochimie (Resp. module)
     (CM/TD/TP : Electrochimie fondamentale sur métal, Cinétique électrochimique, Expressions mathématiques des courants)

Thèmes de recherche

Research topics

Fundamental (Photo)electrochemistry researches at semiconductors (III-V, Si,…), metals (Au, Pt, …) interfaces in aqueous
and non-aqueous solvents (DMF, CH3CN, …) 
with a strong expertise in liquid ammonia (Patm, -55°C)

  • Understanding of solvents contributions on interfacial electrochemical mechanisms (dielectric constant, viscosity, pH scale, chemical intermediates stability (i.e radicals…))
  • Performing the reactivity of solvated electrons in liquid ammonia (i.e using Pt microelectrodes as internal probe)
  • Understanding fundamental interfacial reactions (passivating films, hydrogen evolution, oxygen reduction, metal electrodeposition…)
  • Determination of semiconductor’s diagram energy evolution (impedance measurements, lock-in amplifier, photoluminescence…)
  • Monitoring electrode surface/interfaces modifications (impedance measurements, photoluminescence, quartz crystal microbalance, chronopotentiometry, Pt microelectrodes as internal probes, disc ring, wettability by angle contact, XPS, p-ARXPS, MEB-TEM…)

Towards applied researches and surface treatments of (opto)electronic devices

  • Electrochemical treatments of (opto)electronic devices in liquid ammonia in collaboration with C2N (DR. J.L. Pelouard) : i.e New strategies of selective pattern dissolution
  • Validation of modified electrodes transfer in clean rooms (elaboration of thin masks)
  • Electrochemical engineering for the detection of metal impurities on supporting electrodes
  • Since 2012, 4 patents and 6 international extensions

Main expertise

(photo)electrochemistry in liquid ammonia, III-V semiconductors, metal electrodes, impedances

Research projects

  • Coordinator, PI: ANR EPINAL « Efficient Passivation of InP in Liquid Ammonia » (EPINAL, 335,4 k€, 03-2018-03-2022).
  • Coordinator, PI: Projet Prématuration CNRS / C2N, « Développement d’un réacteur préindustriel pour la passivation des SC III-Vs dans NH3 Liq » (mai 2019-avril 2022).
  • Partner (50%) Appel à Projets cellule énergie CNRS : « PALMYRE "Pile à Ammoniac utilisant un éLectrolyte Mixte oxYde solide / hydRoxydE fondu ?» (2023) (Coordinator, PI, Pr. V. Lair ENSCP)

List of publications

  • 78 scientific papers, (including 24 proceedings with referee)

Activités / CV


2010: Research Habilitation at University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

1997: Ph D in Electrochemistry at University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

1994: Master’s Degree in Electrochemistry at Paris Sorbonne University (France)

Current Position

Since 2021: Full professor at University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

Since 2021: Appointed member of National Committee in Scientific Research, section 14 (CoNRS)

Since 2020: Member of the board and committee at the “Interface” doctoral school (ED 573) of Paris Saclay University.

Since 2016: Appointed member of the Management Committee of the Lavoisier Institute of Versailles.

Since 2015: Research head of “Electrochimie Physico-chimie aux Interface” team at Lavoisier Institute of Versailles.

Since 2006 In charge of liquid ammonia electrochemistry thematic

Previous positions

2020-2021: Elected member of Research Council at University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines

1998-2021: Associate professor at University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)

1997-1998: Postdoc in electrochemistry at King’s College of London (England)

Additional information

  • Director of 11 thesis with a supervision rate of 73% (5 at 100% and 6 at 50%)
  • 12 external thesis examination committees (including 4 as rapporteur and 1 as president)
  • Participation in 5 monitoring thesis committees (including 3 in progress)
  • HCERES examination committee of Institut Carnot Bourgogne (2023)
  • Reports of “Region” expertise (2021 : Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté ; 2023: Région Nouvelle Aquitaine)
  • ANR expertises and COFECUB (2017)