our laboratory
Fire safety training
On June 5th 2024, 26 members of ILV laboratory were trained in handling fire extinguishers. After a reminder on the causes of a fire, they reviewed how to give the alert.
Gianluca Visagli wins ED Interfaces poster award
On March 3, Gianluca Visagli (2nd year PhD student in the EPI group) won the best poster prize at the Journées de l'Ecole Doctorale Interfaces.
Gabrielle Mpacko Priso wins the best oral presentation award during the GECOM CONCORD 2024
Her oral entitled "Clustering six electrons within Dawson-like Polyoxometalate" summarized her work recently published in Angewandte Chemie.
Oligofeed, winner of Tech for future
Organized by La Tribune, the largest tech event in France rewarded six startups from the Aura region in Lyon, including Oligofeed, the start-up serving bees.
Great success for the Science Festival
The Science Festival which took place at UVSQ from Saturday October 7 to Sunday October 15 certainly sparked vocations.
Collaboration with Japan
ILV is a partner of the International Research Project (IRP CNRS INC/INSIS) NextPV with the University of Tokyo. The objective is to develop new materials for photovoltaics.
Interactions with Japan
The ILV co-chair the IRN-CNRS (International Research Network) “Smart Molecular Oxide”. This first meeting of the 2024-2028 version allows POMists to meet experts in XAS spectroscopy.