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Regional contracts (DIM and LABEX)

Labex Charmmmat

ILV is involved mainly in the Labex Charmmmat. This Labex has allowed to consolidate existing collaborations and to create new ones in the Paris Saclay area (Paris-Sud University, ENS Paris Saclay, Evry University, Ecole Polytechnique, etc.).

ILV thus benefits from 4 to 6 post-doctoral fundings per year as coordinator or partner. PhD scholarships can also be awarded.

In addition, the Labex Charmmmat participated in the financing of equipment:
- change of magnet liquid NMR spectrometer in 2017
- purchase of a micro-GC analysis bench for detecting hydrogen and light hydrocarbons in 2017
- purchase of a flow chemistry machine in 2017
- purchase of an X-ray diffraction device in 2015

Finally, ILV has benefited of a valorization project


Charmmmat: A project based around materials sciences and homogeneous bio-inspired catalysis

The Excellence laboratory (LabEx) Charmmmat was created around two areas of the South-Ile-de-France community with high international visibility: science of materials and homogeneous bio-inspired catalysis.

Charmmmat thus brings together chemists, computer scientists and physicists from the University of Paris-South, University Versailles St-Quentin, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, ENS Cachan, CEA, the Ecole Centrale de Paris and the University of Evry Val D'essonne.

Charmmmat gathers Chemistry, Physics and Computer science to answer people expectations in the fields of energy, health, environment and information.

Labex Patrima

ILV also emerges  at the Labex Patrima and was thus able to benefit from thesis and post-doctoral funding.

The Labex Patrima is a federative project on the Île-de-France. Led by the universities of Cergy-Pontoise and Versailles Saint-Quentin, it brings together numerous laboratories that involve the trades and techniques of analysis, conservation and restoration of works of art.

Labex NanoSaclay

ILV is involved also in the Labex NanoSaclay and has benefited from several post-doctoral fundings and financial support for the purchase of a spin-coater in 2015.

The ‘LabEx NanoSaclay’ has been selected in 2011 under the French program “Investments for the Future”. Funded for 8,5 years, it is an interdisciplinary cluster of excellence dedicated to nanosciences and nanotechnology. It is supported by local renowned research and training institutions and integrated to the Paris-Saclay University.

The LabEx NanoSaclay unifies 450 scientists (physicists, chemists and biologists) in a world-size cluster focused on interdisciplinarity and reactivity, able to address key fundamental, economic and societal issues.

DIM Respore

ILV has been part of the DIM Respore since its creation in 2017. One of the recent highlights is the participation of the DIM in the acquisition of a new solid NMR console in 2018.

Respore is the Ile-de-France network in porous solids science. It brings together world-class teams in the fields of physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, health, modelling and characterization of materials.