You are here : ILVENFacilitiesPASTEL platformOptical spectroscopy (IR, UV)
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Optical spectroscopy (IR, UV)
The Institut Lavoisier has a high performance IR platform for FT-IR analysis of solid and liquid materials or compounds in transmission or reflection between ambient temperature and 900°C as well as surface analysis.
Equipped with ATR SMART ORBIT module
with 2 types of crystals
* Diamond
* Germanium
Software : OMNIC
This device is dedicated to routine analysis.
Equipped with a KBr / Ge splitter, can be equipped with 2 modules:
* Advanced Diffuse Reflection Collector II,
* VARIGATR for surface analysis.
High Temperature / Vacuum Room for Collector II ranging from room temperature to 900 ° C for variable temperature analysis.
Software: OMNIC
Used on reservation for specific analyzes.
Analayis examples
Evolution of the IR spectra at different temperatures.
We can observe the loss of water, then the solvent, and finally the degradation of the product.
These facilties are open to the entire scientific community.
Service manager :
Flavien Bourdreux
Flavien Bourdreux
Thanks to the C'nano Ile de France and the UVSQ for the ECOPOM 2009 and the 2010 PFIR projects that enabled the acquisition of the two new aircraft.