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NextPV (EN)

ILV was attended the 11th IRP NextPV International Workshop Program which took place at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) at the University of Tokyo in Japan.

NextPV is a Franco-Japanese international research project (IRP CNRS INC/INSIS) which is a continuation of the former associated international laboratory of the same name (LIA NextPV, 2012-2018). It brings together the expertise and skills of the CNRS teams (IPVF, C2N, LAAS, ILV) and the University of Bordeaux, for the French side, and the Research Center for Advanced Sciences and Technologies (RCAST) of the University of Tokyo, for the Japanese side. NextPV research projects deals with 4 main axes: III-V solar cells, hybrid and perovskite solar cells, integrated systems and analytical methods, characterization / simulation.